
Life update blog - June 29, 2024


Hello! and welcome back!! So this is a short life update post! It’s been a while since I wrote, I’ve got a few things going up, but frankly too, I’ve been really lazy to write.

So! I learnt to code!! Or am learning to code rather, lol. Just before i get into that however, let me tell y’all that I finally got Linux certified. Yes! It’s been a life long goal of mine (you know, the little i’ve spent yet), and I finally did it! I got Comptia Linux+ certified, and am incredibly happy for it. It’s more a personal achievement for me than anything else. I mean of course it doesnt hurt my resume in the slightest, but then again, I fell in love with and started using Linux while i was still in Junior secondary school. Now am officially a Linux professional, i can’t express my happiness enough.

So as you guys know, I’ve been real close to rounding up my degree program. In fact if not that i delayed it abit to get my Linux exam done, i should be done by now (it’s a long story, i was meant to take not one, but two Linux certification exams actually). Am still real close to graduation though, I’ll be rounding up by August, and I can’t wait to be done!

As part of my larger goal of getting into the Cloud computing and DevOps industry, I picked up coding (eventually)! I know, i know, it’s been a long time coming, but we doing it now pals! We coding now, and we getting real good at it as a matter of fact. To let you know by how far, I conquered ‘dependency injection’ very recently!

So am coding in Golang, because why not? You know? I bought in a hundred percent into ‘Golang as the language of the Cloud and Distributed systems’. I mean Docker and freaking Kubernetes where written in the language! What more could we want pals? what more? Nothing!

So I love the heck out of the language too! It’s dead simple, straightforward (just like me i’d add, you know, Aries and all of that…), performant, fast! It’s freaking fast!

As a result pals, as a result of the desire to master the language, and be able to build planets with it, I dove into some hands-on projects, and I’ve been getting my hands real dirty since! I started with a Udemy course, which I followed, but which, of course, i tweaked significantly to make sure it’s my own thing. I changed up the framework used by the course Author, i introduced new ones where there isn’t, and what can I say, I’ve been learning alot from it. The course i speak about is Working with Microservices in Go, by Tom Sawler, on Udemy. It’s been fantastic, am yet to get through it.

Then of course I sought out some Internships to help me get real world tasks and scenarios, and demands, to help ramp up my learning. So am currently running both internships at the moment. The first is from Internpulse, and the second is from HNG Tech.

To be honest am most excited about HNG, the thought of being a Finalist, makes me warm. So am doing both the DevOps and Backend tracks at the moment, with (of course) the DevOps track being formost, but plan to ride along with the Backend for as long as I can, and dare i dream, become a Finalist at both. The steeze!

So there goes it pals! Am sorry to cut it this short, but I gotta go, wish me luck in my current endeavours, and I’ll see y’all soon, in no time at all. Peace!